Upcoming Events

Dine in Dinner - Provided by Olde Bryan Inn

Tuesday, February 11 | 5:30pm | $13 | Must RSVP

Dinner includes roasted porkloin with a cider sage gravy, mashed potatoes and a side vegetable.

Dinner sign ups begin in person on Monday February 3 from 10am- 11am, phone sign ups begin at 1pm. Members can only sign up themselves & one other member.


Valentines Day Social 

Friday, February 14 | 9:30am | $5 | Must RSVP

Come spread the love at the Center. Spend time with friends and enjoy live music by Bill Gervasio. Make Valentines Day cards. Refreshments will be served.

This event is supported by Wellcare


SPAC 2025 Information Session  

Friday, February 21 | 1:30pm

Did you know that as a member of the Senior Center you can order discounted SPAC tickets through the Center? Join staff from SPAC and get a sneak peak about what is coming up at SPAC in the Spring and Summer 2025. Learn about group ticket benefits. Gain insight into SPAC opportunities that you may not already be aware of.


Trivia Night

Monday, February 24 | 5:30pm | $7 | Must RSVP

Join us for fun, friendly competition and prizes! Pizza bites served.

This event is supported by Wellcare


Solomon's 70

Thank you to the Alfred Z. Solomon Charitable Trust grant - enjoy free or significantly discounted historical programs & trips! 

518 Reptile Show

Thursday, February 20 | 9:30am| $5 | Must RSVP

Join us for a hands-on educational reptile show provided by Mark from 518 Reptile. Spend time learning about snakes, scorpions, and more! As you see each animal come out learn the history of their habitat, what they eat and more. You will even have the chance to hold some of these animals if you wish.


Native New York

Monday, February 24 | 1:30pm | $3 | Must RSVP

Join staff from the Brookside Museum and learn about the history of the region's earliest residents through interaction with quality replicas and original artifacts. Discuss early gardening and farming techniques, the importance of local waterways and springs, and how natural materials were used to create useful tools.

Free Events/Classes

***The following programs and classes are open to Saratoga County residents ages 60+.  There is no charge for these programs. You do not need to be a member of the Saratoga Senior Center to participate in these programs and classes. These programs and classes were made possible by the New York State Office for the Aging and Saratoga County Department of Aging and Youth Services.***


Experienced Country Line Dancing facilitated by Kevin Richards

Wednesdays, 2:30pm | Must Sign Up | NO Class on 2/26

Get ready to boot, scoot and boogie! Come by the Center and join CMA Winner Kevin Richards for country line dance lessons. *This class is designed for those with country line dancing experience and those who have taken classes in the past*


Beginner Country Line Dancing facilitated by Kevin Richards

Wednesdays, 3:30pm | Must Sign Up | NO Class on 2/26

Get ready to boot, scoot and boogie! Come by the Center and join CMA Winner Kevin Richards for country line dance lessons. This class is designed for those with no country line dancing experience*


Modern Line Dance Fusion facilitated by Mary Colby

Tuesdays, 1:30pm | Must Sign Up

Instructor Mary Colby presents Modern Line Dance Fusion. This No Partner line dancing class incorporates a myrid of musical genres and dancing styles, including: Motown, Oldies, Swing, Disco, Latin, and Country. This is a no pressure, just for fun, music and dancing class. 


Do you carry United Healthcare & are 65+ years old? You maybe eligible for RENEW ACTIVE.

Do you carry any of the following Medicare Advantage Programs?

Did you know that your SilverSneakers and Renew Active membership allows you to attend all programming at the Center free, some exceptions may apply. It is not just for your exercise classes, it includes presentations, art classes, produce and food programs.

Please register for classes by calling the front desk at (518)584-1621